No More Holding Back





Hi, I’m Susan.


This site is all about helping you to live consciously through the good times and the hard times with authenticity, wholeheartedness and loads of compassion.

I’m so glad you’re here.



If this sound anything like you, you're in the right place:


You have a dream of bringing something new into your life but you…


  • Aren't even sure what’s possible, let alone how to make it happen
  • Feel stuck and frustrated because you have a vision, but no idea where to start
  • Hold yourself back because you lack confidence or fear you’ll fail
  • Find your motivation often fades away and procrastination takes its place
  • Are caught in overwhelm and can’t see how you can possibly pull this off


But beneath all this fear and doubt, there’s still a belief (even just a glimmer of hope) that you’re capable of so much more.





Do you want to finally…


  • See clearly what’s possible and what’s needed to get there?
  • Find the confidence to step out and do something different?
  • Stay motivated to consistently do what's needed?
  • And most importantly, free the huge potential that’s hiding inside you?

Today is the day to start breaking free from all of those things that are holding you back.

Start here by entering your details to gain instant access to the special report "How to stop holding back and start living a life that you love". Inside, you'll find powerful reflection questions and action steps specifically designed to help you shift what's holding you back, no matter what your situation. 

I'd love to hear how you go.



Special Guide

5 Steps to Stop Holding Back and Live into Your Full Potential


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Your Top 3 Pains and the solutions for how to overcome them.

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