No More Holding Back
It takes courage to walk your own extraordinary, unique and daring path.
And it’s what you’re here for.
Ready to take your next step?
Download this powerful (and free!) guide.
Hi, I’m Susan.
I’m a coach, writer and lifelong learner, on a mission to live more consciously and intentionally through the good times and the hard times.
I'm committed to growing authenticity, wholeheartedness and loads of compassion.
I've created this space to help you do the same.
Whether you've found yourself face-down in the mud, navigating your way through change or just wanting to live more confidently and wholeheartedly into your full potential, welcome.
I’m so glad you’re here.

And you don't need to do it alone.
Want to explore whether we’re meant to work together?
Book your 30 minute no obligation complimentary session.
Let's Meet